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Postpartum Placenta Encapsulation 

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At Push Doulas, we understand that your postpartum journey is a sacred and transformative time. We are thrilled to introduce our placenta encapsulation service, a holistic approach to postpartum wellness designed to nurture and support you during this special phase of life.

 We believe in bringing the transformative process of placenta encapsulation right to the heart of your home. Our certified Postpartum specialists ensure a seamless and personalized experience, allowing you to reap the benefits of this ancient practice in the comfort of your own space.


For just $300, our comprehensive service goes beyond the encapsulation process.Not only will you receive expertly crafted placenta capsules to support your postpartum recovery, but our package also includes two mini postpartum sessions conducted by our experienced Postpartum doulas in the comfort of your own home while we are processing the placenta.

These sessions not only involve the processing of the placenta but also provide an opportunity for guidance, support, and a deeper connection during the crucial early days of motherhood. Additionally, as a special touch, we include beautiful placenta prints and a tincture in the price, preserving precious memories and enhancing the holistic benefits of our service. Trust Push Doulas to deliver a comprehensive and nurturing postpartum experience.


*Salves or massage oils are available at a additional $25

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